

The taste of echinacea tea is often described as tongue-tingling. In fact, some regard this quality as evidence of the herb’s effectiveness. Echinacea is commonly combined with mint or honey to make a more pleasant-tasting tea. It is most famous for boosting the immune system.

Benefits Attributed to:
– Helps to fight Colds and Flu
– Assists in controlling Blood Sugar
– Helps manage Anxiety
– Lowers Blood Pressure



Benefits Attributed to:

– Helps to fight Colds and Flu
– Assists in controlling Blood Sugar
– Contains powerful Antioxidants that aid healthy Cell growth
– Helps manage Anxiety
– Lowers Blood Pressure

Did You Know!

Native American tribes and the Great Plains Indians used echinacea tea for hundreds of years as a natural remedy to treat ear infections and pain.


*We say attributed to’ because we are limited in many cases to make health claims for natural products. However, if like us you prefer to use products that are manufactured by nature and not by pharmaceutical companies, these are the benefits accumulated from hundreds of years of use, research and the sharing of knowledge. Herbs are not to be taken when pregnant or by children. Herbs are nature’s oldest medicines and as such should be treated with respect.

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Weight55 g

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