

Rooibos tea is incredibly smooth and gentle with a natural sweetness and slightly nutty taste, when brewed for longer it is full-bodied and rich. Consumed in southern Africa for centuries, it has become a beloved drink around the world.  It is known for its beneficial effects on those suffering from colic or diabetes, and it has the potential to alleviate headaches.

Benefits Attributed To:
– Packed With Antioxidants and Polyphenols
– Boosts Heart Health
– Benefits People With Type 2 Diabetes
– Aids Bone Health



Benefits Attributed To:

  • Packed With Antioxidants and Polyphenols
  • Boosts Heart Health
  • Benefits People With Type 2 Diabetes
  • Aids Bone Health
  • Improves Digestion
  • Treats Colic
  • Lowers Blood Pressure and Relieves Stress

Did You Know!

Rooibos is one of the few herbal teas that are safe during pregnancy and for children to drink. Another one is chamomile.


*We say attributed to’ because we are limited in many cases to make health claims for natural products. However, if like us you prefer to use products that are manufactured by nature and not by pharmaceutical companies, these are the benefits accumulated from hundreds of years of use, research and the sharing of knowledge. Herbs are not to be taken when pregnant or by children. Herbs are nature’s oldest medicines and as such should be treated with respect.

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Weight80 g

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