

50 grams

Láracha / Wing Kelp / Alaria Esculenta

Wakame is a delicate, slightly sweet seaweed, often used raw and rehydrated in salads and miso soup. Because of its silky, satiny texture, I find it important to pair wakame with ingredients that have some crunch or chew, like pink shrimp or cucumbers in a  salad, for better balance.

Benefits Attributed to*
– Low Calorie – High Nutrition snack
– Helps to prevent Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Blood Clotting and Obesity.
– Wakame has beneficial effects on Stroke,  Hypertension  (high Blood Pressure),
– Viral  Infections, Tumours, Oxidation and  Inflammation while promoting a good Immune System.



Benefits Attributed to*

  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals – A, C, D, E, K, and B2, Iron, Potassium, Iodine, Calcium, Fibre, Protein, Folate, Lignans and Fucoxanthin
  • Low Calorie – High Nutrition snack
  • Helps to prevent Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Blood Clotting and Obesity.
  • Wakame has beneficial effects on Stroke,  Hypertension  (high Blood Pressure),
  • Viral  Infections, Tumours, Oxidation and  Inflammation while promoting a good Immune System.

Did You Know!

Seaweed is naturally gluten free and has more vitamin C than oranges.


*We say attributed to’ because we are limited in many cases to make health claims for natural products. However, if like us you prefer to use products that are manufactured by nature and not by pharmaceutical companies, these are the benefits accumulated from hundreds of years of use, research and the sharing of knowledge. Herbs are not to be taken when pregnant or by children. Herbs are nature’s oldest medicines and as such should be treated with respect.

Additional information
Weight50 g

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